Sun, July 15, 2012
Flopcast 010: Does Frogger Look Like a Frog?
Kevin and Kornflake celebrate the Flopcast's 10th episode, and (perhaps wrongly) assume this is now the longest-running podcast ever; Kornflake's vacation plans keep getting weirder; despite being total nerds, we look at the world of sports for our latest "Chickens in the News" segment; and we count down the Top 4 ½ funny songs of the last ten years. If there is a lesson to be learned from today's show, it's that you probably shouldn't set trampolines on fire. (The more you know...)
Show Notes
Little Jerry Seinfeld, good friend of the New York Mets, is our latest Chicken in the News.

From our Top 4 ½ List of funny songs from the past ten years, not counting Weird Al...
Kornflake loves Weebl and Bob's "Take On Me" parody. Kevin is sticking with the original. You decide!
Also on the list:
- "Code Monkey" by Jonathan Coulton
- "Sorry, My Brother's a Jerk" by Hot Waffles
- "Frogger: The Musical" by Paul and Storm
- "Swift Kick" by Dan Hart
- "Cosplaying Fangurls" by Insane Ian
- "The Spongy Dance" by the great Luke Ski
- "Brainpower" by Freezepop
- "Morris the Moose" by Lorne Elliott
And finally, "When I Was Your Age" by George Hrab — here is a live version shakily recorded by Kevin during NECSS 2011...