Sun, November 17, 2013
Flopcast 080: 1980 Will Save Every One of Us
Hang on, kids — starting this week, we're taking a TEN-episode trip back to the 80s! (Yeah, it's a radical departure from our usual topics...) Up first, of course, is 1980 — the year that kicked off the 1980s, according to most scientists. Come along for our Top 4 ½ List of movies from 1980, as we do battle with Ming the Merciless, Ursa, and a bunch of gopher puppets. Also: World Hello Day (featuring Robbie Rist), a bizarre audio edition of "What's in the Bag?" and the (mercifully brief) return of The Sponge Awareness Foundation.
Show Notes
National Whatever Day goes worldwide, celebrating World Hello Day on November 21. To promote world peace, say "Hello" to ten people...or just watch this Lionel Richie video.
Kevin and Ed reunited recently for a brief Sponge Awareness Foundation performance, with Kornflake and Dan Hart in attendance. Ed served up a special audio "What's in the Bag?" with a blast from Kevin's past: "My Home Is in Woonsocket", a song written by two of their high school teachers. And Dan Hart will be making an appearance at Boston Skeptics in the Pub on December 16!
Kevin's Top 4 ½ Movies of 1980:
Superman 2 is Kevin's favorite of the Christopher Reeve films. We recently met Phantom Zone villain Ursa (Sarah Douglas) at Rhode Island Comic Con.

Kevin enjoys both the movie Fame and the television series it spawned. Kornflake enjoys neither.

My Bodyguard starred Chris Makepeace (Meatballs), Adam Baldwin (Firefly) and Matt Dillon.

What can be said about Caddyshack? Bill Murray and a puppet gopher manage to upstage everyone else in it.

Both Kevin and Felicity love Flash Gordon. Kevin saw it upon release and took it completely seriously, while Felicity discovered it in college and appreciates it for its camp value.

Check it out: we met star Sam J. Jones in Rhode Island as well! If you are as big a fan as we are, check out the movie Ted.