Sunday, November 17, 2019
Flopcast 393: Notorious Martika
We're a few weeks late, thanks to all those weird train-themed shows, but it's finally time for our annual review of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees! The short version: We're happy to see Pat Benatar and Whitney Houston on the list, but in our hearts, we just want everybody to Wang Chung tonight. Come on, Hall of Fame. WANG CHUNG. Also: Kornflake hits the road with attack chickens and attack lobsters, Kevin almost survives SoulCycle, and Happy Birthday to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Tina Turner. We don't need another hero. We have Tina.
Show Notes
Happy Birthday, Tina Turner!

Check out the list of 2020 nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The voice of the ESO Network, Michelle, also pops up regularly on the Earth Station One podcast and blogs about music at Iconic Rock Talk Show.