Sunday, May 24, 2020
Flopcast 420: Crank Up the Weirdness
Chickentown is still locked down, for the safety of humans and poultry alike. But as we learn in this week's Chickens in the News segment, citizens of Louisiana are dealing with a crazed non-social distancing chicken, and we love it. Also: Creepy mannequins are enjoying some fine dining; we wish a Happy Birthday to Todd "Watcha Talkin Bout Willis" Bridges; Kevin is running around disguised as Cloris Leachman; and thanks to another round of Trapped in the House (our dumb new game), Kornflake's house may soon be full of dead Snorks.
Show Notes
This week's celebrity birthday is Todd Bridges, best known for Diff'rent Strokes. The cast is seen here with original housekeeper Charlotte Rae, whose character spun off into The Facts of Life!

We appreciate that someone in the Walker, Louisiana Police Department took the opportunity to be creative in describing an aggressive chicken that menaced bank customers and "failed to engage in proper social distancing". If the bird in question was indeed trying to rob the bank, hopefully it was at least wearing a mask.

If you want chicken masks for humans — specifically, rubber chicken masks — our friends at Archie McPhee have you covered (in both silly and extra silly versions).