Sunday, June 28, 2020
Flopcast 425: How to Be a Better Nerd
Longtime friends of the Flopcast Brittany and Martha are back this week, as we officially announce that their podcast But First, Let's Talk Nerdy is now part of the ESO Network! We catch up on life in Las Vegas during the pandemic (Kevin escaped just in time), some of their recent nerdy show topics (like Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Riverdale, and James Bond), and the art of podcasting while tipsy (they need a sponsorship deal with White Claw). Be sure to check out But First, Let's Talk Nerdy, and welcome Brittany and Martha to our weird little ESO family! Also: We recommend online shows from Speak Up and Niki Luparelli, we still love Atari 2600 Asteroids, we remember comic book writer Denny O'Neil, and we're seriously considering watching Caddyshack II. Please, somebody stop us.
Show Notes
Atari 2600 Asteroids:

Not Atari 2600 Asteroids, on Freaks and Geeks:

Joining us on the ESO Network, Martha and Brittany each bring a surprise topic every week to But First, Let's Talk Nerdy! Make sure to follow them on Instagram to see Martha's illustrations for each episode and some cosplay photos from the past.

Speaking of the network, Kevin was recently on Earth Station One with a trio of Mikes to remember influential comic writer Denny O'Neil.

You can find out about future storytelling events, virtual for the time being, as well as Matt and Elysha's podcast at Speak Up Storytelling.
Niki Luparelli's past Happy Hour shows are available on her Facebook page, and you can tune in every Friday to watch live!