Sunday, April 24, 2022
Flopcast 520: A Not-So-Hot Gabfest
One again we've let the Chickentown Studios Supercomputer randomly determine our discussion topics, which means we're talking about "Talking Out of Turn" (an obscure 1980s single from a classic rock band), Action Jackson (the 1988 movie sadly not based on the Mego action figure line), The Young Rebels (a 1970s Revolutionary War-era TV series with Louis Gossett Jr.), and The Young Riders (a 1980s western TV series totally not inspired by Young Guns). Also: Classic rock keyboardist Chuck Leavell has a birthday, and Kornflake rides the prog rock school bus.
Show Notes
Meet Chuck Leavell, rock & roll pianist and Tree Man.

If you're up for a 7-minute Moody Blues song, listen here!
We've recently seen Carl Weathers as Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, but his earlier credits include the Rocky films, Arrested Development, and Action Jackson.

The Young Rebels apparently spawned a couple pieces of tie-in media, even if it didn't make a big impression on TV.