Sunday, September 15, 2024

Flopcast 645: Dragon Con Recap Part 2 - Broil the Scientists

The Mayor of Chickentown joins Kevin and Kornflake as our look back at Dragon Con 2024 continues! This time we're covering Friday and Saturday, when the convention was so crowded that we could not have squished one more nerd into Atlanta. Our coverage includes: The Geek Girls Run! The ESO Network's Freaks and Geeks 25th Anniversary panel! More panels on punk rock sci-fi, Office Space, Aquaman, cicadas, and apes! Monty Python's John Cleese! Flute-playing astronaut Cady Coleman! A super-weird (as usual) round of Sci-Fi Explosion! And perhaps a naughty Star Trek puppet show too! It was all quite exhausting, and yikes, we still had two days to go. Stock up on mead and cheese (that's our Dragon Con health plan) and enjoy...

Show Notes

Kevin's friend Heather has a video on her YouTube channel about this year's Geek Girls Run! She ends with a Doctor Who quote, so you know that made Felicity happy. Here is Kevin's ribbon along with a Cricut-made pendant.

Which one are you? I think we're all a little of both.

Trash bag cicadas with Bethany (in black) and "Bug Girl" Gwen (in purple)

Joe introduces Chris's official Sci-Fi Explosion event! Check out You Are the Girl and Al Roker vs. Drunk Ewoks. Do not Google "E.T. porn".

Astronaut Cady Coleman has a new book: Sharing Space! Kevin talked about seeing her speak locally in Flopcast 196.

Kevin suspiciously took no photos of the Felt Nerdy naughty after-hours show. Probably for the best.