Sun, October 7, 2012
Flopcast 022: Messing With Your Knobs
Kevin and Kornflake ponder the comedic value of lobsters (sure, they might be funny, but not on the level of, say, chickens); we look back at 1980s cable TV, which mostly involved watching Toto's "Africa" video, again and again; our "Chickens in the News" segment takes us all the way to the White House; and, as requested by absolutely no one, we present a Top 4 ½ List of our favorite green cartoon characters. (We're, uh, sort of making this up as we go along.)
Show Notes
Our thanks go out to Rebecca Watson of Skepchick and The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe for recording a Flopcast ID!
Life on the V: The Story of V66 will chronicle the short but eventful life of Boston's own video music station, fondly remembered by those of us who know what "UHF" means.
Suspiciously Photoshopped chickens on the White House lawn? Better call the Secret Service!

Because our ideas just keep getting weirder, here are our Top 4 ½ green cartoon characters:
- Marvin the Martian
- Green Arrow
- Baby Kermit
- Pete's Dragon
- Goblin from Homestar Runner
- Frankie from Drak Pack
- Slimer from The Real Ghostbusters
- Yuckmouth
- The Grinch
- The Great Gazoo
And finally, for all your Dave Coulier needs (if your needs are limited to looking at a single photo), check out this Tumblr. Or, simply look below!