Sunday, January 24, 2016
Flopcast 194: Arisia 2016 - Gazoo With a Kazoo
After a three year absence, Kevin and Kornflake went creeping back to Arisia! (A science fiction convention on the Boston waterfront in mid-January... this is how we eliminate the weaker nerds from the pack.) Kornflake was there on Saturday, and enjoyed a game of Munchkin, a Princess Bride shadowcast show with the Teseracte Players, a workshop about shiny things, and a large angry chicken. Kevin didn't show up until Sunday, and just sort of wandered around not doing much of anything. (The winner is Kornflake!) Also: National Kazoo Day is this week, so our usual advice applies — don't leave the house.
Show Notes
National Kazoo Day falls on January 28, and while we approve of this bird-themed campaign poster, not all of us endorse Kazoo America's agenda.

It's a rare convention report that doesn't bring with it lots of photos, but both of your hosts attended Arisia for a single day this year and didn't bother to take out their cameras. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all.
Kornflake played Munchkin and was plagued by chickens.

She also encountered the Teseracte Players (discussed in Flopcast 038), featuring her friend AJ.
Felicity attended Arisia for the first time because she wanted to see John Scalzi. She's been a fan of his blog for several years and brought a published collection of his early posts to get signed. She has just started delving into his fiction with Redshirts.

She and Kevin also chatted a bit with folks from the Boston Sci-Fi & Fantasy Meetup and the Boston Whovians.