Sunday, June 14, 2020
Flopcast 423: Lobster Avalanche
By request, Kevin lists a favorite album for each year of the 1980s, and Kornflake provides expert (?) commentary along the way. (Several Australian acts made the list. Not just Air Supply.) Also: We're dancing on the ceiling with clay heads in honor of Lionel Richie's birthday, Kevin finally leaves the house (wearing a chicken mask) for the reopening of Rubber Chicken Comics, we're back in Classic Sci-Fi Court, and Kornflake has weird coffee and a lobster avalanche. It was not a normal week. We don't have those anymore.
Show Notes
The return of Classic Sci-Fi Court with Joe and Gary from the DragonCon American Sci-Fi Classics Track features Kevin defending the earlier, less successful attempt to revive Lost in Space as a theatrical film in 1998.

We first mentioned Archie McPhee's rubber chicken face masks in Flopcast 420, but that was approximately 47 years ago.

One of those masks enabled Kevin to visit Rubber Chicken Comics and pick up a copy of Retro Fan Magazine with a familiar (also masked) face on the cover.

Kevin's favorite 80s albums by year:
- Glass Houses - Billy Joel
- The One That You Love - Air Supply
- Pac-Man Fever - Buckner & Garcia
- Cargo - Men at Work
- "Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D
- Nervous Night - The Hooters
- The Way It Is - Bruce Hornsby and the Range
- Diesel and Dust - Midnight Oil
- Lincoln - They Might Be Giants
- Spike - Elvis Costello