Sunday, February 20, 2022
Flopcast 511: Made With Earth Fruit
Another weird mix of stuff from our latest Saturday morning recording session (for which we keep forgetting the Cocoa Puffs): For National Whatever Day we're celebrating a forgotten 1920s silent movie (and also guys named Mike); a box of wine was shipped to the studio from Washington state (or possibly Mars); Kornflake witnesses the miraculous birth of a shrimp; a miraculous newborn shrimp receives an inappropriate name; we zip through a lightning round of TV talk (covering Derry Girls, Bridgerton, The Book of Boba Fett, Peacemaker, Pen15, and Norwegian game shows); and Kornflake is back on Twitter for an online concert by Jim's Big Ego. Now enjoy, while we spend the rest of our Saturday flopping around doing nothing.
Show Notes
The Mayor apologizes for the lateness of these notes. She was able to travel far from Chickentown to her favorite convention, Gallifrey One! Here's a Meeping Angel for penance.

Meanwhile, Kornflake's gift from Bledsoe Family Winery arrived in Chickentown just days after being discussed on the Flopcast!