Sunday, May 12, 2024
Flopcast 627: Jennyflake
Super-quick show this week, as we say Happy Birthday to masked and bucket-headed guitarist Buckethead, unveil our new Flopcast promo (which Kornflake both conceived and despises), and turn to the Pudding Pages to learn about the weird 1990s soda called Surge. (Fun fact: They still love Surge in Norway, where it goes by a slightly different name. Make your summer travel plans accordingly.)
Show Notes
We may have more to report on Buckethead at a later date. But probably not. The Mayor is terrified.

Cathy Silvers was eventually cast as the oft-mentioned Jenny Piccalo on Happy Days. Her stint on the show coincided with that of series-killer Ted McGinley.

SURGE threatened to drag the Mayor down an internet rabbit hole, and she's still skittish after seeing photos of Buckethead, so do your own research!