Sunday, May 19, 2024
Flopcast 628: I Am in Norway
We're not quite sure why, but the subject of our latest Top 4 ½ List is... Norway! So here's some of our favorite Norwegian stuff, as approved by the gods of Asgard. We have a silly Viking or two, an icy Justice League member, an 80s synthpop band (that was once trapped in a comic book), and lots more. In fact, Kornflake is revealed to be a superfan of Norwegian comedy, and would like you to know that Ylvis is everywhere.
Show Notes
This site has been going merrily along thinking it's still 2023. Every episode released thus far in 2024 was labeled 2023 until this morning. Fortunately no one noticed.

Top 4 ½ Norwegian Things

- No Laughing in the Cabin
- Hägar the Horrible
- Praktisk Info Med Jon Almaas
- Conan O'Brien Must Go on MAX
- Raske Menn (Fast Men)
- Ice (DC Comics)
- Ylvis and the NSFW song Massachusetts
- a-ha (all lowercase!)
- Kongen Befaler (the Norwegian Taskmaster)
- Marta Kristen
For Kornflake's shows, we'll just direct you to TV Norge on YouTube and let you figure it out!