Sun, April 28, 2013
Flopcast 051: Mighty Morphin Panda Rangers
Everyone keeps telling Kornflake she is getting older, but we don't believe it; Kevin reports on concerts by symphonic metal band Anaria and former Monkee Mike Nesmith (hey, they should tour together); because April 30th is Hairstylist Appreciation Day, Kornflake is honoring her high school librarian; Kevin has a weird story about the time he met folk legend Richie Havens; and instead of attending the postponed Boston Comic Con, we wander down to Bellingham, Massachusetts and talk to Jay and Joe of Rubber Chicken Comics, Panda Valentine of Wicked Geeky, and Hellion author Jim Savard. (How many unnecessary references to Air Supply can Kevin crowbar into these conversations? Let's see...)
Show Notes
After showing appreciation for your hairstylist on April 30, show some for your local comic book shop on Free Comic Book Day, May 4. Our favorite, naturally, is Rubber Chicken Comics in Bellingham, MA!
May 4 is also the date for the storytelling event Speak Up in Hartford, CT. If you're in the area, you just might see us there...
Musical mentions: Anaria

Mike Nesmith, performing at the Somerville Theater

The late Richie Havens, covering one of Felicity's favorite songs
Jay (of the aforementioned Rubber Chicken Comics), with Jason David Frank (of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers):

Kevin and Panda:

Jim Savard, author of Hellion: