Sun, July 14, 2013
Flopcast 062: CONvergence 2013 - Steampunk Zombie Bay City Rollers
We're back with a full report from CONvergence, the Bloomington, Minnesota convention that's even crazier than MarsCon! Pour youself a Buzzed Aldrin (the signature drink of the Skepchick party room) and enjoy, as Kevin, the Mayor of Chickentown, the great Luke Ski, and Sara Trice review all the silliness of CONvergence, just for you. (Unfortunately, aside from our Saturday Morning Cartoon and Doctor Who-themed panels, an epic Luke Ski concert, a live comet-making demonstration, a mechanical steampunk bird, the Rifftrax guys playing "PowerPoint Karaoke," a Darkwing Duck burlesque dance, an Aquabat/Penguin hybrid, and a Skepchick giving birth to a squid monster, there's not much of interest to report.) Also: Back in Chickentown, we receive a box of dangerous science from the College of Curiosity, and Kornflake totally puts the "whatever" into this week's National Whatever Day.
Show Notes
July 18 is National Caviar Day day, but we don't care.
This week's "What's in the Bag" item, a homopolar motor, actually came in a box from our good friend Jeff at the College of Curiosity.
A big shoutout to all the old and new friends we hung out with at CONvergence: Skepchicks Rebecca, Amy, Bug Girl, Heina, Debbie, Nicole, and Jamie; Mad Art Lab's Emily, Anne, and Ryan; Luke Ski and Sara Trice; Mark of Cartoons and Cereal; Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon and Slate's Double X blog (among others); and Felicity's longtime Doctor Who friends Michael Lee, Mike Zecca, John Seavey, Sam Smith, and Paul Cornell.
This photo was actually taken during our live recording at CONvergence, capturing Earl's transition from Aquabat to Penguin.

Chickens at the Con! This is a character we're not familiar with. If you recognize him, let us know!

Kevin and the Joker, with bonus Bug Girl:

Felicity and the Chicken:

More costumes! Here's Amy of Surly-Ramics as Louise from Bob's Burgers.

Felicity usually leaves the photography to Kevin, but she was impressed enough by Jenny and Madam Vastra from Doctor Who that she broke out the camera.

Rebecca insisted that everyone look horrified in photos with her squid baby. Only Felicity really managed it, but then again she's been practicing her horrified look for years.

You can see many more photos on our Facebook page!