Sunday, April 29, 2018
Flopcast 312: Cooler Than a Sleestak
Grab a bowl of Frankenberry, because we're flashing back to Arisia (our favorite local science fiction convention), where Kevin moderated a panel called "Cereal and Cartoons: Saturday Mornings Revisited"! Joining Kevin on the panel were filmmaker Kevin Cafferty, Andy Hicks (of the Coal Hill A/V Club podcast), and Karen (of the Foxes in the Hen House podcast)! Among the topics discussed: Super Friends, Pee Wee's Playhouse, ALF, Captain Bob, Weird Al, Josie and the Pussycats, The Brady Kids, School House Rock, Time for Timer, Gilligan's Planet, Mr. T, Thundarr the Barbarian, Turbo Teen, Kidd Video, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Garfield and Friends, Galaxy High, Hanna Barbera, Filmation, Sid and Marty Krofft, the Friday night preview specials, the Saturday morning TV comic book ads, the continuity errors of Tom and Jerry, the horrors of candlepin bowling, and the eternal curse of Scrappy Doo. And folks, that is not a complete list. Not even close. Listen carefully, and you'll hear Kornflake and the Mayor of Chickentown in the audience too. (Warning: One of them may have been wearing a rubber chicken costume.) This was a crazy fun time, and this is why you all need to hitchhike to Boston and join us at Arisia next year. And that's one to grow on.
Show Notes
Felicity has seen panelist Andy Hicks at two Doctor Who conventions since Arisia! He's on The Coal Hill A/V Club podcast, and Karen can be heard on Foxes in the Hen House. Check out Flopcast 298 for our recap of Arisia 2018.
Here are some of the more obscure and/or regionally specific programs discussed by the panel: